health benefits of green tea

5:32 PM
Benefits of Green Tea Herbal Health Drink - If you're feeling cold at night, then brewed green tea can warm the body back in. You can add a little lemon in wedang brew green tea in order to create a more distinct flavor. As well as being as body warmers, green tea has been proven to be beneficial both for the health of your body.

This is why green tea is very well known properties in Japan, because the manufacturing process is derived from fresh tea leaves of plants that have passed through the heating to avoid oxidation. Based on the fact that drinking 3-4 cups of green tea a day just as you maintain the health condition yourself. To better understand the benefits of green tea to herbal health, following his review.

Benefits of Green Tea Herbal Health Drink

1. Preventing Heart Disease

Damage to the heart and stroke disease in someone who suffers high blood pressure can be avoided by consuming green tea beverages. In addition, for the damage to the heart itself can reduce the risk of death by speeding up the recovery process in the cells of the heart. While the workings of green tea in lowering cholesterol levels would not reduce the amount of good cholesterol in the body.

2. Strengthen Bones

According to the experts that green tea is helpful as an herbal alternative to strengthen bone density while keeping defenses. This is evident because green tea has a high fluoride content which would be useful in maintaining bone density in each day.

3. Reduce Risk of rheumatoid arthritis

Rheumatoid Arthritis or practically arthritis is a disease caused when the immune system to attack itself, so it will cause inflammation in a long period of time in the joint area. By drinking green tea it will hinder the risk of the disease because it will be protected by the content therein which may protect cartilage destruction that blocking the enzyme.

4. Prevent Obesity

Preventing obesity can apply to drinking green tea which is able to stop the movement of glucose to fat cells. If you want to succeed in the diet, it would be nice to add to the intensity of green tea is often consumed with every day with morning exercise.

5. Prevent Diabetes

The addition of sugar levels in diabetes patients and can not be prevented by herbal drink green tea is good for health. By regularly in drinking green tea will help neutralize the glucose levels in the blood. In addition, the rate of metabolism in the body making it remains balanced.

6. Reduce Risk of Cancer

An important role in the body as an antioxidant found in green tea that was mentioned 100 times more powerful than vitamin C and even 24 times more effective than the use of vitamin E. By doing so, your body will be protected from the onset of cancer cells. Not only that, green tea also serves in the ward free radicals to fight skin cancer.

7. Improve Body Immune System

Where in the antioxidant known as flavonoids found in green tea. Well, flavonoids alone to do its job as well as polyphenols, which can improve the human immune system PDA. Because of that, your body will be stronger if the frequent consumption of green tea to combat viruses that cause disease or infection of the bacteria.

Thus the benefits of green tea as a health drink herbal. So, what's wrong if you frequently consume green tea beverages. Usually, Japanese women often drink green tea in their daily life, then they often look younger.
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